Why Pre-Plan?
Every year, more than one million people plan and fund their funerals
and cemetery arrangements ahead of time, and it's estimated this number
will grow as the population ages. People are realizing the advantages
of pre-arranging. The process is simple and there are many benefits.
Pre-Planning: Pre-Need Manager
- Provides peace of mind

- Many pre-need discounts can apply so it costs much less
- Relieves your loved ones of unnecessary concern
- Reflects your expressed wishes
- Relieves your family of a financial burden
- Allows you to establish a guaranteed funeral and/or cemetery cost
Most of us plan for the possible, those potential misfortunes
of life
that seldom actually happen. Yet, few of us prepare for the inevitable
At Mountain View we've been helping people with pre-planned funerals
and cemetery arrangements for over 30 years. We've seen how comforting
it is for the survivors to have the funeral and cemetery arrangements
made in advance. We'd be glad to talk with you about it and why we
think it's such a good idea. Please give us a call. (253) 584-0252.
How to pre-plan a funeral
Traditionally, there have been three ways a family has provided for a
funeral. Those three ways and the reasons they don't work very well are
listed below.
- Level Death Benefit Life Insurance
- Normally intended to cover ongoing living expenses for the family
- May require waiting weeks or even months until proceeds are available
- With inflation, proceeds may erode over time
- May involve disputes over contested claims.
- Savings
- Often depleted by long illness before death
- May be tied up in probate
- May not be readily accessible at time of death
- Long-term savings may be reduced by taxes and early withdrawal penalties
- Friends and Relatives
- Places unexpected burden on those you care about most
- May put survivors in an uncomfortable and embarrassing situation
- Can cause friction between loved ones
- Borrowed money must be repaid.
At Mountain View we believe there is a better way to plan and provide
for the funeral. Working with Mountain View
you can set up a guaranteed funeral trust that allows you to tailor your purchase to what you
want using actual costs. We're available to answer any questions at (253)
What is Mountain View's Funeral Pre-Arrangement Trust?
The Mountain
View Funeral Pre-Arrangement Trust has been established under
Washington State Law. With the assistance of our trained and
experienced staff, families can utilize this program to pre-plan and
pre-finance future funeral arrangements.
Why should I fund my funeral expenses now?
In approximately 70% of all
cases, it is the primary wage-earner who dies first. The surviving
spouse is then left with immediate problems, which must be faced while
under extra-ordinary stress.
Although the average funeral is priced much lower today than many
people assume, a funeral will almost surely cost much more in the
future. Thus, it makes sense to protect your family with a Mountain
View Pre-Arrangement Funeral Trust Plan.
A Mountain View funeral pre-planner can meet with you in our office or
at your home. He or she can assist you in pre-planning your funeral.
Together you can work to determine the current costs of the kind of
funeral you want, and that helps guide the decision as to how much
money you should place in the funeral trust to meet your future needs.
It is our experience that many families find it difficult to make
appropriate and satisfactory decisions while under the stress and grief
they experience after a death has occurred. The Funeral Pre-Arrangement
Trust Plan allows your family to make these necessary choices together,
without the stress that accompanies death.
Does my Funeral Trust guarantee the price of the funeral service I select?
Yes. Once the Trust Agreement amount has been paid as agreed and
in full, you and your family are guaranteed, in writing, that they will
never have to pay additional funds for these services you have
selected, If services are provided by Mountain View.
With a Mountain View Guaranteed Funeral Trust Plan, your funds are
invested in our funeral Trust with the interest income accruing to your
account, in such a way that your trust stays ahead of inflation and the
rising cost of goods and services. It is Mountain View's intention to
make this possible for the families we serve by managing a strong,
aggressive and growing Trust fund to provide for these inevitable
funeral expenses.
How is the Trust Fund Invested?
Trust funds, in the percentage prescribed by state law, are deposited
in a qualified public depository (i.e. bank, savings and loan, etc.).
Investments will be made to achieve the highest yield with the minimum
of risk possible. All earnings become part of the Fund and are
allocated to the individual participants proportionately.
Do I need to have a Trust for each member of my family?
No. A Trust established with Mountain View is usable at your option for
anyone you direct, or for yourself if you are the beneficiary. Thus, a
single Trust can provide at least minimal protection for an entire
What happens if I move or if death occurs away from Tacoma?
First, if you move, your Mountain View Trust will continue to accrue
interest and other benefits to you until such time as the funds are
needed. At that point in time, Mountain View will arrange for the type
of service you wish with any funeral home you select, regardless of its
location. Price of services not provided by Mountain View are not
guaranteed. Mountain View will refund to your heirs the total amount in
the Trust.
Second, if the death occurs away from Tacoma and you choose service
here, Mountain View will make all the arrangements for transfer of the
remains to Tacoma and handle other arrangements as your Trust allows
and your heirs direct.
Who Safeguards my Trust Investment?
Funeral Trust Funds are under the strict supervision of the State of
Washington. In order for anyone to offer the benefits of a pre-arranged
funeral Trust, they must submit a statement of the kind of funeral
business they propose to transact, details of their financing of the
qualified public depository to which the funds will be entrusted and
other details. Following this, a license will be issued only if the
applicant is found to be financially sound and otherwise qualifies (RCW
18.39.) Mountain View has undergone this procedure and is properly
licensed. Funds deposited in the qualified public depository may be
withdrawn only if: (1) The funeral merchandise and services to be
provided have been delivered, or (2) The trust contract has been
canceled by the purchaser or beneficiary.
Additionally, Mountain View provides the State of Washington
with a full report of the activity of the Trust Fund in accordance with
state law. A copy of that report is available for your inspection at
our offices.
Food for Thought
In closing, think of what a gift it is to take this burden off the ones you love, and ask yourself the following:
- "How can my family possibly benefit by putting this off?"
- "How could it possibly be better to leave this for the worst possible time?"
Then call us at (253) 584-0252 for a complimentary Pre-Planning Guide. It will instruct your family on exactly how to carry out your final wishes and is a great place to organize your legal and financial needs. And best of all - IT'S FREE!